Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Movie Star

There are lots of films being shot right now in Biloxi. In my hotel, there is a crew filming an independent film about debutantes that did not get to celebrate their balls. Also, Minnie Driver came into the middle eastern restaraunt where I was eating the other day.

But that is not why I so named this entry. It is named for work.

It was Duanny’s last day (they did their final presentation at 6 today), so the team kept having requests.

I like helping Duanny’s people. They are sharp, engaged and appreciative. Their tent is next to our trailer, and I stopped by a few times today to give them a change to ask any questions they had before their presentation.

I felt like a movie star. Every time I went over four or five people rushed over and asked me questions or wanted me to help with something. A movie star, or maybe, the better metaphor is I felt like the janitor when the toilet is over flowing. The questions range from, what are the best programs to pay for recovery to where can we get some trash bags. Still, they were good conversations and I am happy to try to help.


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