Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The New County

Duanny presented his vision for the new Jefferson Davis County. It involves moving to safer ground, creating lots of green space, turning big roads to parkways, creating lots of walkable neighborhood and digging lots of canals and using the dirt to raise the ground everywhere else.

And the verdict was, people were open to it. They had lots of good questions, how long would it take, where would they live in the mean time, how much would it cost, how to pay for it, how to help people afford it, but were open to it.

The guy is very good. He can lay out a vision and get others to believe in it.

We will see what happens in the coming days.


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