Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

FEMA caught lying!

Every time someone blasts FEMA for not having enough trailers, FEMA responds that it is the local government’s fault for not identifying spots or providing utilities. Same here in Jefferson Davis County. You never know who is telling the truth.

Well, the truth came out and FEMA was full of shit. Here is the story.

The county negotiated a contract to buy thousands of trailers with the hope that the Feds would pay them back. The trailers were delivered with the understanding that they would be returned if the county could not get FEMA to pick up the bill. (The county trailers were cheaper than the FEMA trailers, but that is not the point.) The trailers have sat locked and unused for months now, waiting to see if FEMA would pay.

FEMA and Boss Hogg, the county head (who I promise to write about soon) had a little tit on CNN. Boss Hogg blasted FEMA for not paying for the trailers, so they could be installed. FEMA responded that the problem was that the county “still (has) to identify places to put them,” and that FEMA was ready to deliver 125,000 trailers to the region as soon as counties tell them where to put them.

Well, a few days ago, FEMA and the county settled their fight and FEMA agreed to pay for the trailers. The next day, there were bulldozers laying the pipes for the trailers in a 300 acre empty lot.

The conclusion I draw is that the lack of trailers was holding up the process, which means FEMA was lying. Clearly, the county had already signed a lease (or option) on the property. Otherwise, they could not have moved so quickly. The problem was the lack of trailers (and not lack of space). As soon as the 2000 trailers that were already in the county were available, work began on installing them.

County one, FEMA zero.


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