Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Plan, The Plan!

While returning to the Long Term Recovery Office, I ran in to an engineer who said he was going to a training the next morning on orientation to the JFO and government ethics. Having nothing better to do and fascinated by government ethics I attended the training.

While the morning was the standard routine, it turns out that in the afternoon was an essential orientation for all Long Term Recovery personnel. They described the overall process that will happen.

We will be writing Long Term Recovery Plans in support of local and state recovery efforts (and Federal money). The Governor has identified the areas that the plan will cover: housing, infrastructure, schools and education, human services, environment etc. Each county has been assessed on two levels, the level of damage from the hurricanes and the level of local capacity to lead the recovery. Counties either receive no assistance, limited assistance targeted to specific areas ( e.g. housing), or the complete package.

We will be base in teams ranging from two to twenty people. Each county will have a team lead and various planners, engineers, architects and others. We are shooting to have a preliminary report in a little over a month. The report will cover a vision and guiding principals for recovery.


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