Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Catch 22

I landed in Biloxi today and made my way to the EAP’s office. I was met by a burly guard that told me, in no uncertain terms, that I could not be on the premises until I checked in with the feds and got my security clearance. I was told to report to the federal offices and given the address and phone number of the switch board.

When I arrived at the federal office building, I was told by a less burly but equally insistent security guard that I could not be on the premises unless I was escorted by someone. “Who did I come to see?” he wanted to know. I of course did not know. I was told to go back to the first building.

Hmm, a dilemma.

At this point, I called my supervisor’s number. Disconnected!
I then called the second supervisor and asked to speak with Leda, my contact. Evidently, it was not Leda’s number.

The person kept asking me, are you a contractor. I did not know what to say. I kept trying to explain that I was working for EAP and they were working on a contract. I was told to call EAP. (I of course thought I was calling EAP!) Eventually, the person gave me the name of someone at the government offices.

I called the switchboard and asked for my contact and was placed into voicemail. I left a message and called the switchboard back and asked if there was anyone else I could talk to. They also kept asking if I was a contractor. I explained and they told me to call EAP. Eventually, they agreed to transfer me to someone. The phone rang, and rang and rang.

This ends the first dispatch from Biloxi. I am going to my hotel room and trying again tomorrow.

I just wonder how many others there are like me going back and forth the five miles between the government office and EAP’s office, tying to get in somewhere.


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