Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Eve of Departure

I head out tomorrow morning at 8am. I still have not heard back from my bosses, but I did get a confirmation from the travel agency.

I talked to a friend, David, that is in the Gulf Coast and he knows my boss and ensures me that he exists. That is good.

David explained that writing a Long Term Recovery Plan is a service that FEMA provides to municipalities that volunteer to participate. The process is roughly:
1) Gather stakeholders
2) Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
3) Identify a vision for the community
4) Identify capital projects to pursue using disaster recovery money.

Perhaps I should send this description to the people who hired me.


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