just a few little things
we're on our way back now, at the amsterdam first class lounge which is very very nice. yet another reason to fly first class, thank you patti and wayne. yesterday in mumbai we went on a walking tour and went to crawford market and did other stuff too. at a supermarket thing i saw a bottle of soda that was masala flavored. masala means "spice'' pretty much. so i thought that was funny. also the other night we were talking to some mumbai-ans and they were interesting - when they äsked us where we're from and we told them america, one of them shouted '"nelson mandela!"" and we asked them if they work together or how they are friends, and one of them told us he's a vegetarian but the others are not. he said veg, nonveg. that's what a lot of restaurants say. they call themselves veg or nonveg or both. also when a place calls themselves a hotel, it often means it's a restaurant. and there's often an a/c section and a non a/c section, and it costs a few rupees more to eat in the a/c section. but it's often worth it.
oh, also at the supermarket we saw a lot of tea for sale that came with a free/included bottle of ketchup. weird.
oh, also at the supermarket we saw a lot of tea for sale that came with a free/included bottle of ketchup. weird.
It has been so much fun to follow along on your wonderful trip with you. Thanks to you both for taking the time to post, it's been really interesting. Okay, so here comes the "mom" part... I am sure I am not the only one who will be glad when you two (plus the little one) get back home. I know that this was a dream trip of yours, but I've also been worried about Yona. All this traveling and eating unusual things. Be safe, and welcome home, and love, Patti
I haven't yet received a gift, so I was surprised to see that you were on your way back. Surely it's not too late to catch a cab back to Bombay to pick up one of the following:
a mango lassi (no one ever thinks I'd like these, but I do)
a small veg child (my new abode allows pets)
some internally fiery foods
a gentleman cow
Some people (for example Dorian) can't stop complaining about how you are NEVER coming home or whining about how it's been SO LONG, but I'm not a complainer.
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