Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Builders Row

For the past week, we were banned from meeting with people or groups in the parish so we could concentrate on writing up projects. Today we were finally freed to work with the parish again.

We met with the housing subcommittee today. They have decided to work on creating a Builders Row, where people can compare different models of homes. There would be many different builders all at the same location and people can compare and contrast. The theory is that it will be easier for people to agree to leave their homes if they can see what they can afford. It is a good, easy first project.

Today was the moment of truth, when Evan and I took a back seat and let the community members lead the meeting. I have to say, I was impressed! The typical way meetings work is that they spend about 3/4 of the time talking about politics in the parish, the state of recovery, rehashing old material, and despairing the lack of progress, celebrating the potential good they can do, and otherwise just not concentrating on the task at hand. Well, this meeting was no difference, but in the final 1/4 of the time, they made real progress.

They are busy trying to find a location and recruit builders. They are running the meeting, taking minutes and making plans all on their own!

It was nice to see.


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