Josh and Yona's Blog of Many Things

Josh started this blog when he was doing disaster recovery work after Hurricane Katrina. Now it is mostly our travel blog.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


From the past couple of entries, Krista comes across sounding bad, and I do think her conduct was unprofessional, but she is not a bad co-worker. The stress clearly gets to her and she snaps, but the rest of the time she is pleasant to work with.

So, as I alluded to yesterday, Krista got pissy because I did not make some changes to a plan yesterday and complained about me to both colleagues and my boss. The reality is that I did not do the changes she wanted because she forgot to send an email to me!

In any case,

I went to Krista today to clear the air and put her on notice about bad mouthing me.

In a very nice voice, I said I wanted to check in. I heard that maybe she wasn't happy with my work or my attitude.

She said, no, it's all ok, there was just a miscommunication.

(i.e. she messed up by not copying me on an email and then jumped to the wrong conclusion)

I said, ok is that it, I just wanted to be sure there were not any other issues.

We talked about a few minor things. I had been resistant to make some edits and I explained it was not about her, rather it was because I did not think it was in the best interest in the parish. Then all was good and she thanked me for taking the time to come in.

Then I said, in the future I would prefer if she had an issue with me, that she talk to me. If she doesn't like my response then she should go to the boss and complain, and that I would prefer if she did not talk to colleague's about my work.

She said, I only talked to Evan because she I wanted some clarification if changes had been made to the website.

(which was a half truth and I called her on it)

I said, it's fine to talk about me if you are just trying to clarify something, but I had understood you had expressed frustration with my work.

While not acknowledging that she was unprofessional, she backed down and said my point was fair and she heard it.

It was a very good conversation and I am happy with how I approached. I cleared the air and also very gently called her on her inappropriate behavior.


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