village stay and marwars and bishnois
it's still the same day and i'm writing more from jodhpur. so we stayed at the hut area and before that we spent a couple days at this place called mountain ridge. piers, a brit, has a nice guest house there that is so nice and kind of the opposite of a hut. lots of tourists from all over go there and we met a lot of nice people. people from canada and scotland and bhutan and india. it was very very nice and comfortable. on one day we did a trek kind of walk, with a guide. he took us walking through wheat fields and to a cave temple for shiva and to his aunt's hut for chai and all over. it was really nice and really interesting. lots of people we saw, especially chidlren, would wave at us and approach us and greet us. they way they greeted us, almost all of them, was "bye bye! bye bye!" and i don't think they were saying"buy" but really "bye bye" because they weren't selling anytning. they were just very friendly and our white skin and backpack made us something to stare at and wonder about. there were some people who greeted us, with english, and invited us into their home to feed us pakora. they wanted us to take a picture, and then go into a little room and dance with them. so we did. i'm incluing pictures. it was probably 11 am. good time for a dance party. it was funny!
still to write about: opium, dance performance, goat kid
i totally want a goat, but a little one. i got to hold one and it was so furry and cuter than a dog and just good all around.
we went to a dance performance in udaipur and that was really cool. i'll put up a picture of that also.
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